Dan's Blog
Saturday, October 30, 2004
  Weekend visitors
This weekend we have had visitors. My parents have come to spend the weekend with us.

Fall in New York. This is my parents in battery park.

We had a great time walking along the walkway and just chatting.
We were on our way to the Statue of Liberty. We took a ferry.

The statue of Liberty is an interesting thing. It was one of the tallest structures and and engineering marvel at the time it was built but since then much more sophisticated buildings have been built. But the thing that is unique is tht it was a gift from the French to the Americans. There was love then. It seems a shame that when this now relatively small structure, with "old skool" engineering, stands for freedom, but sometimes it seems we're locked in hate so much of the time.

We also visited Ellis Island. My mom loved it. I liked it because of the building. it was old and big and quite empty but that was it's uniqueness in this "starving for space" city of New York.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
  Happy Halloween
Saturday, October 09, 2004
  what a good trip
We just got back from a fun 4 days away from NY. I was getting some training Wed,Thurs,Fri, and then we played in Boston on Sat. Minna and I just had a good time. I spent most of my time in Providence Rhode Island (my first time to the smallest state in the nation) while I was getting trained by a true New Englander... When we talked about "data" he said "datar", and "source" was pronounced "sauce". "Alpha" is pronounced "Alphar" I learned alot. Minna spent her days in Boston visiting her friend Julie.
Providence is a pretty cool town, filled with people and students. We visited the campus of RISD, what does that mean?... well it took us a while to figure out. so we finally asked someone. We decided that it could have been but wasn't Rhode Island Sick Dogs. Minna guessed the D stood for ducks, but in reality the SD or RISD stands for School of Design. Which reminds me of the design of the womens bathroom. They designed the toilets so that when one was sitting upon the porcelin you were sitting at the sink, and were able to wash one's hands at the same time. It's true I'm not fibbing. Perhaps it was an efficiency design... but I dont' know we didn't exactly ask.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
  this morning
This morning was kind of funny... well, it was funny once we got home. Minna woke up with a terrible neck kink. I called a Chiropractor and walked just a few blocks to the closest one. Minna nearly lost her lunch due to the pain of his examination, but he did some ultrasound therapy and she felt better. The funny part is that he sold us a neck brace. It is such a silly device, but it works. I love you Minna.

I'm still convinced, from my past few expriences with a Chiropractor, that they are salesmen, like a medicine man of old that would go from town to town giving samples of tonic to people and when they feel better they buy. Not that what he is giving was fake but as a salesman was keen, like a lawyer, of what to say to give so much credit to the product. Well, our Chiropractor gave us samples of "BioFreeze", a Bengay type product which, if we like it, we can purchase in no stores, but is only sold in doctors offices... which is true but I found some easily on the web: here Well salesman or not this man that Minna saw was helpful and was a blessing, but I don't think I'm going to buy stuff from him. oops we already did, Minna is wearing it.
This is my blog. I am free to express and tell.

My Photo
Name:Dan Cody
Location:Queens, New York, United States
Dan's Blog: October 2004
Dan's Blog
Saturday, October 30, 2004
  Weekend visitors
This weekend we have had visitors. My parents have come to spend the weekend with us.

Fall in New York. This is my parents in battery park.

We had a great time walking along the walkway and just chatting.
We were on our way to the Statue of Liberty. We took a ferry.

The statue of Liberty is an interesting thing. It was one of the tallest structures and and engineering marvel at the time it was built but since then much more sophisticated buildings have been built. But the thing that is unique is tht it was a gift from the French to the Americans. There was love then. It seems a shame that when this now relatively small structure, with "old skool" engineering, stands for freedom, but sometimes it seems we're locked in hate so much of the time.

We also visited Ellis Island. My mom loved it. I liked it because of the building. it was old and big and quite empty but that was it's uniqueness in this "starving for space" city of New York.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
  Happy Halloween
Saturday, October 09, 2004
  what a good trip
We just got back from a fun 4 days away from NY. I was getting some training Wed,Thurs,Fri, and then we played in Boston on Sat. Minna and I just had a good time. I spent most of my time in Providence Rhode Island (my first time to the smallest state in the nation) while I was getting trained by a true New Englander... When we talked about "data" he said "datar", and "source" was pronounced "sauce". "Alpha" is pronounced "Alphar" I learned alot. Minna spent her days in Boston visiting her friend Julie.
Providence is a pretty cool town, filled with people and students. We visited the campus of RISD, what does that mean?... well it took us a while to figure out. so we finally asked someone. We decided that it could have been but wasn't Rhode Island Sick Dogs. Minna guessed the D stood for ducks, but in reality the SD or RISD stands for School of Design. Which reminds me of the design of the womens bathroom. They designed the toilets so that when one was sitting upon the porcelin you were sitting at the sink, and were able to wash one's hands at the same time. It's true I'm not fibbing. Perhaps it was an efficiency design... but I dont' know we didn't exactly ask.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
  this morning
This morning was kind of funny... well, it was funny once we got home. Minna woke up with a terrible neck kink. I called a Chiropractor and walked just a few blocks to the closest one. Minna nearly lost her lunch due to the pain of his examination, but he did some ultrasound therapy and she felt better. The funny part is that he sold us a neck brace. It is such a silly device, but it works. I love you Minna.

I'm still convinced, from my past few expriences with a Chiropractor, that they are salesmen, like a medicine man of old that would go from town to town giving samples of tonic to people and when they feel better they buy. Not that what he is giving was fake but as a salesman was keen, like a lawyer, of what to say to give so much credit to the product. Well, our Chiropractor gave us samples of "BioFreeze", a Bengay type product which, if we like it, we can purchase in no stores, but is only sold in doctors offices... which is true but I found some easily on the web: here Well salesman or not this man that Minna saw was helpful and was a blessing, but I don't think I'm going to buy stuff from him. oops we already did, Minna is wearing it.
This is my blog. I am free to express and tell.

My Photo
Name:Dan Cody
Location:Queens, New York, United States